Scared to go out the door

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29 Dec 2020, 11:38 am

I'm scared to go to work because my boyfriend is vulnerable to COVID and he's so terrified of catching it and I'm terrified of catching it and giving it to him.

The virus is spreading more rapidly than ever now and it's getting worse in Essex, where I come from. Nobody wears masks at work, and I can't force them to wear masks but if I wear a mask it won't protect me, as wearing a mask doesn't protect you, only others (new fact I've learnt this year :roll: ).
And are masks really working, knowing COVID is worse than ever in Essex even though it's been mandatory to wear masks in all shops and public transport for months???

Going to work is going to be risky, and no, it's impossible for me to work from home, and I can't be furloughed unless they say so (I'm classed as a key worker anyway, my job is essential and so I am very much needed). There is one person at work who gets too close to me, which is a perfect way of passing on the virus, but if I say anything he just says I'm being too paranoid. And it's hard not to get too close to people without realising, as one of the other workers gets right in my way when we're cleaning, like she'll start to mop the floor while I'm still cleaning, but will almost knock me over with the mop as she gets so irritatingly close.
Me and my boyfriend live in a small apartment and can NOT, I repeat, NOT remain distanced from each other until he gets the vaccine (which won't be until at least April). Also he takes me to work and picks me up from work so I can't possibly stay 6 feet away in the car.

It's just that it sounds like this new strain can be passed on without even going near others, so even if I do keep my distance that still doesn't guarantee that my boyfriend is completely safe from it. But he says "if you pick it up, you'll bring it home to me and I'll inevitably get it and then I'll be dead."

I'm so scared. And people wonder why I hate China. :( :cry:



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29 Dec 2020, 6:21 pm

You have stress in every aspect of your life, don’t you?
I am so sorry for the pressure and fear that you are going through.
Your boyfriend must be very intimidated by the threat of Covid.
I hope that knowing that we are concerned and care about both of you helps.
The behavior of your co-workers is so selfish and inconsiderate, especially considering that everyone is aware of the warnings regarding contagion.

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29 Dec 2020, 7:02 pm

Wearing a mask DOES help you not catch COVID.


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30 Dec 2020, 1:42 pm

kraftiekortie wrote:
Wearing a mask DOES help you not catch COVID.

This. It doesn't keep you 100% safe, but it lowers the chances of the virus entering your body since it can't get through a mask as well as it would get through just air.

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30 Dec 2020, 3:05 pm

Scared to go out the door? Why not go out the window instead? :D (Sorry for my humour).

Ok. I will be sensible. I think a lot of us are finding things difficult. I am ok going out. It is going into some shops I am finding I am struggling.

These times are not easy but do not worry. Realize that things are ok. Put it this way. How old are you? Now realize that for you to have survived to the age you are, you have already lived with day to day risks. This virus is only a tiny risk just like any other risk like crossing a road. Do not fear. All is going to be ok.


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30 Dec 2020, 4:41 pm

Fireblossom wrote:
kraftiekortie wrote:
Wearing a mask DOES help you not catch COVID.

This. It doesn't keep you 100% safe, but it lowers the chances of the virus entering your body since it can't get through a mask as well as it would get through just air.

I've heard multiple times this year that wearing a mask doesn't protect you at all, only protects others. That is a very difficult situation because you can't control others, you can only control yourself. I can't force everyone at my work to wear a face mask, so if I'm the only one wearing one then am I really protected?

I remember having this conversation a few weeks back here:-




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30 Dec 2020, 5:43 pm

You really are in tricky situation there, and yet you need to work in order to survive(noting you haven’t been furloughed due to the nature of your work). I would certainly be wearing a mask, no matter what, in that case as any effort to protect both you and your partner is worthwhile, especially as he’s so at risk. Thankfully, we should all be immunised soon, and considered adequately protected by Easter at the latest from what I understand. Truly hope you both remain safe and as well as possible, Joe.


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30 Dec 2020, 6:04 pm

I agree, wearing a mask is sensible.
seemed silly to start with but i think it goes some way to helping

If I had a spare £120, I would buy myself one of the new LG personal air purifiers
LG wearable air purifier

you can order these from one of the retailers that connect to their website, mostly in Hong Kong.
LG wearable air purifier

Hope that helps. :-)
Please try not to worry too much, as doing so won't help.
Although please don't think I am belittling your concerns, as mostly certainly.,
this years virus has certainly been one of the worlds biggest challenges of our time.

Just not sure if worrying will change the outcome.
although some times a little hypervigilance can help us work out a solution

good luck
hope you feel better soon


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30 Dec 2020, 6:19 pm


No you're not belittling at all, quite the opposite. You're understanding.
Something I saw on Facebook made me angry today, someone had posted that they were tested positive for COVID and had symptoms, but he still went to see his elderly mother, and now his elderly mother has COVID and is in hospital. He added ''please don't judge me for seeing my mother whilst having symptoms, she's lonely''. I do understand that, but for his mum's sake he should have stayed away, even just for 10 days. He has grown-up children and siblings that could have gone round to see her. I feel like unfriending him for that but I better not, as he told people not to judge and by unfriending him it would be obvious that I'm judging him. (I know I'm judging him now but he doesn't know that). I just feel so angry. Fancy going to an elderly relative's house, knowing you have symptoms and have been tested positive for COVID. I haven't seen my mum for months, we are very close and she's battling with cancer. We keep in touch over the phone but I still miss spending time with her, it's actually driving me crazy, but for the sake of her wellbeing I still am keeping away, no matter how tough circumstances get.

Scared to go out the door? Why not go out the window instead? :D (Sorry for my humour).




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30 Dec 2020, 11:43 pm

Om Nom hugs

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01 Jan 2021, 9:17 am

A mask can protect you, even if no one else is wearing one it can protect you. Not completely, but then again nothing would "completely" protect you other than no contact with the outside world AT ALL. You could probably be safe as "Bubble Boy" but anything else, you're not "completely protected." But a mask, even if you're the only one in the room wearing one, can help. It isn't perfect, but it decreases transmission. I've been in very close contact with people I know to have been positive, and have had no more protection than my mask and my handwashing. I have not caught it. I have tested negative as recently as last week. A mask works.

Edited to add -- I'm not intending to stir up controversy, just to help alleviate worry in the OP. If this post seems "out-of-bounds" for The Haven, I apologize. No pot-stirring is intended here.


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04 Jan 2021, 3:05 pm

Dear Joe90,
Let us know how you are doing.
Is it possible at all to talk to your co-workers about your situation?
Also, I do not understand how they can legally work without masks....are there no supervisors around.
You are in Britain?
In America, that is illegal.

Student Body President, Miskatonic University

Blue Jay
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04 Jan 2021, 4:19 pm

I read posts in the Haven even though I don’t post much, and I just read on Reuters that England is going into national lockdown.

Hope you’re doing okay, Joe.


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04 Jan 2021, 4:29 pm

Yep. UK back to lockdown same standard as original lockdown just under 1 year ago.

Although did watch the news today and there was a report today that explained the if the UK played it smart, brought as much units of vaccine as possible and got all the people who are on the vulnerable list to have the vaccine.
They could potentially get everyone on the vulnerable list vaccinated by the end of March!

So 3 months, and then perhaps they will be able to loosen the lockdown, and then get the rest of the population vaccinated while under less pressure. At least those who don't think Bill Gates and the Aliens are behind the vaccine.


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05 Jan 2021, 6:29 am

The UK is now in another lockdown but I'm not freaking out about it this time, as this is no longer new to me. The economy is already f****d, the country is in billions of pounds debt that will take about a century to pay off (as I know that a billion is a HUGE number), and things just cannot possibly get worse than what they are.

It's just that apparently this new strain is even more catching, which I didn't think it could possibly get any more catching than it already is, so I have a feeling that means it is basically unavoidable even if you wear a mask and keep away from people. There's about 50,000 new cases a day in the UK at the moment, and I don't know how all these people are getting it. It is mandatory here to wear a mask in all stores and public transport but thousands of people are still getting it. So there's only a matter of time before it reaches me.
Apparently someone at work has been tested positive, but I don't know who. I just hope he hasn't spread it before he found out he was tested positive. There could be other workers walking around with it for all I know. All it takes is one person and the whole workplace could come down with it. :cry:



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05 Jan 2021, 6:43 am

I hope essential workers like you are put in the front of the line for the vaccine....regardless of age.