I was supposed to be trained as a manager at my previous food service job, but it never happened. I asked multiple times, about when I was being trained and over the last 5 months I was there they did nothing. I was assigned a certain manager to train me,but she didn't do anything with me. She just ran her mouth about me, when I wasn't there. I literally had no clue what I was doing and she talked bad about me for it, and how I started feeling down since I felt like I was for show. I only found that out when I had one final talk with my actual boss before quitting. I finally had enough when, this manager got in my face and screamed that I was stupid, I sometimes still cry when I think back to this. I got hired as a manager at a store, that actually took the time to train me, I had to step down recently from my nerves and anxiety about if id screw up or if what would happen at my last job repeats itself. My boss wants to keep working with me as she's positive I can do it, if I just keep being worked with and get over my nerves. She even offered to eventually teach me to run the store? She keeps saying I can set my mind to something and achieve it if I try.
never give up even if the odds are against you