Teach51 wrote:
Maybe you could invite her for a cup of tea Joe, that would break the ice at least so that you don't feel like strangers. You could at some point gently break to her that you don't sleep too well and that you hear her at night. It does seem like she has some mental issues. Was she nice when your BF took her letter up? Find out if it is a good idea to approach her and invite her for tea from other neighbours who may know her before you do?
It is terrible having noisy upstair neighbours.
That does seem like a nice idea.
She is always friendly, and we are always polite to her. But she is quite reserved so I'm not sure if she would come in for a cuppa or not.
The thing is, I don't have very good hearing but that doesn't mean I'm not sensitive to some sounds. When she moves her furniture about upstairs I can't hear it as much as my boyfriend can but it still
hurts my ears, unlike my boyfriend. So it's like my ears pick up on the vibration but don't send the signal to my brain quick enough. It can even affect my balance!
But I hear it more at night, but it still hurts. My ears have always been ultrasensitive to low, rumbling sounds above me. If it was next door or below, it wouldn't be so bad.