Sylkat wrote:
What is CBT therapy?
It's a very common type of psychology counselling called Cognitive Behaviour Therapy. ... al_therapyTo be honest it doesn't work for me. I feel like it is based on a notion that I can somehow change my behaviour at will by changing my thinking patterns. Most of my behaviour is rooted in autism which can't be changed by wishing it away or changing my thought process. A lot of it also involves visualisation, and I have a documented disability with visualising things, visual memory, etc. My disability is called Aphantasia. Anyway, there's a lot of visualising and thinking things through or challenging your thought process to make new connections and a new reward system in your brain. It's not the only form of therapy out there, but it's very common and like I said, a lot of autistic people report difficulty with this form of treatment but that doesn't mean it won't work for you.
Other types of treatment for phobia might be more person-centred (based on you and your strengths / weaknesses rather than a preset format). Exposure therapy or DBT (dialectical behaviour therapy - more based on actions than thoughts), are both quite common for phobias as well.
I never give you my number, I only give you my situation.