Everyone keeps telling me to quit and im getting angry
I dont think people understand me well enough because the constant insistence on readjusting my goals, lowering or managing my expectations, or even quitting, it just doesn't jive well with me. People dont understand that without my goals, aspirations and dreams life feels meaningless and that there is no purpose in just existing without the higher purpose of self actualization and attaining everything I was destined for in life. I cant find joy in life taking it easy, settling down with a girl, eating, sleeping or entertaining myself; for me life is only truly meaningful and worth living in that arena of life where I strive, grind and eventually prevail to ever greater heights. It feels hollow any less than that.
What I mean is that deep in my soul is a burning and inextinguishable passion to be number 1 and push myself, mind, body and spirit, to ever greater heights, from academics to physical strength and to mastering different martial arts. I suffered injuries both physically and even to the brain hindering me mentally that have made my life much harder, breaking my body and mind and causing me problems that have made my goals and dreams infinitely harder than without such setbacks. I've arduously undergone rehabilitation and pursued training even still despite the injuries, despite fainting from even trying to read a book, despite blood loss when my eyes try to focus on the pages of a book, and despite everyone telling me to quit.
The hardest thing about what im dealing with is everyone around me, in my life, online, and sometimes even here on this forum, the world wants me to adapt to these circumstances I refuse to accept and throw in the towel, take it easy, give up, lower my expectations, and not be so hard on myself. They think im like them and can enjoy life without ambition. They think they can project their laziness, mediocrity and low standards onto me and it feels like im all alone fighting for my destiny and right to succeed when all I hear is that success and accomplishments are overrated and that taking it easy, doing little things, and walking baby steps is OK. Maybe to the mediocre and the failures in life that's ok, but to me that will NEVER be ok.
Yesterday against my doctor's orders I tried working out, only instead of using my broken arm I tried using my unbroken arm to do 1 armed push ups. I failed, fell on myself and had ambulance come. When the ambulance came they told me something brutally harsh that I cant accept and never will accept: they told me my obsession with constantly pushing myself is just OCD, that its pathological, that its abnormal to work this hard, and that there's something wrong with me for trying so hard.
And to those mediocre idiots and the rest of sheepish society telling me this, here is my message to you all:
f**k YOU
Im tired of being labeled. OCD, really?? Did Kobe Bryant have OCD because he refused to leave the Basketball court unless he could make 400 3-point shots? Did David Goggins have OCD running 100 miles on broken legs and shins even though it hospitalized him so bad he was urinating blood? Did Mehmet the Conqueror have OCD when he conquered Constantinople even though before him 600 years of Muslim invasions failed, and even during his invasion his forces were repulsed a total of 14 times, until on the 15th time his army succeeded and now Constantinople is from hereon Istanbul?? Did every successful person in history now have OCD because they refused to give up for what they believed in?
This is so much more than some dumbass fat EMTs telling someone who works hard to be mediocre "normal", or label my efforts as OCD, or anything for that matter. This is about society telling trying to label me, pathologize me, diagnose me on account that im not a soft little sheep who is satisfied with the hedonism of life but have a soul that can only find fulfillment in achieving my goals and nothing less. Nothing less.
I was told I have severe OCD even here because I refuse to put a substance in my body that isn't water. Im told to quit my goals because my injuries forever barred me from success. Im told that I should just quit being a weightlifter, boxer, scholar, etc because those things are beyond me genetically
And this isn't just about me as an individual person. Being Palestinian my whole life ive watched the world tell our people that our continued struggle for a free state, for human rights, for dignity, and for freedom is all a pipe dream, a waste of resources, and that we should capitulate and accept subjugation, occupation and continued humiliation because the more we resist the more we get killed. In Gaza as they're being bombed the world tells us to just surrender and accept Israel occupying us and that if we dont want to get bombed we need to just surrender. And hearing that makes me mad.
I remember it wasn't long ago when Winston Churchill yelled defiantly, with brazen audacity to his parliament and to the world, like a resolute lion "We shall never surrender. We shall fight them on the beaches..." the world lionized him for his bravery and hailed him as a hero. If we go back to the moment in time when Chuirchill uttered those words there was nothing to portend anything but destruction and gloom for standing up to the Nazis. All of Europe was subjugated by Hitler. Great Britain was the last great stronghold in Europe by the time Hitler made an ultimatum to Churchill asking him to surrender or else his country would be bombed to pieces. Churchill chose to continue to fight and his country paid a hefty price. But I understand why Churchill chose this path. He chose this because there was time not long ago when stubbornness and tenacity for ones goals were admirable and not to be diagnosed with every DSM 5 disorder we choose. There was a time when defiance of tyranny or unfavorable circumstances were lauded.
Now im living in a time when people are so etherized by mediocrity and passive indulgence in the hedonism of life anyone with a soul and heart who wants to go after his/her goals and not surrender is crazy, mentally ill, and all that other BS.
Well guess what? As David Goggins would say:
"I'm not crazy, I'm just not you"
And the Palestinians aren't crazy, they just arent sheep.
The same way Palestinians won't stop fighting for their goal of a liberated Palestine, neither will I stop my pursuance of my goals even if I have to break every bone in my body and more to attain it.
"One often meets his destiny on the road he takes to avoid it."
Master Oogway
I understand your drive and ambition! Respect for pushing yourself and not giving up!
But look up "hormesis". This concept is something most ambitious athletes do not understand intuitively and must learn from experience coaches. Pushing too hard is counter productive more often than not. All super achievers are borderline pathological, if you want to maximize your results and truly push yourself toward your goals, part of this power and motivation needs to be channeled at self-restraint. This will make you truly unstoppable.
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