Or you could even do this retrospectively by looking at your old posts here. "I'm worried about ..." and the date, and whether or not it came true.
I do quite often look back at my old posts here and read what I was worrying, or depressing, about. Some of it makes me laugh at myself.
But it's still valid to worry about a world war 3, especially when people say it can happen at any time and if the nuclear bomb doesn't kill you the radiation poisoning will, and there'll be no doctors, hospitals or NHS staff to treat you, because they'll all be dying or already dead, and so you'll just have to suffer until you die a slow, painful, terrifying, lonely death.
I sometimes have nightmares about this sort of thing, where the news has just announced the country is being nuked and that everybody's going to die within the next 15 minutes and all you've got to do is sit helplessly and wait for the big boom and then death. I just hope that thing ain't true where they say you're still conscious for a few seconds after dying quickly.