Five years from now, I expect to be dead

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19 Jun 2021, 5:46 pm

Here in the UK, we're seeing an worrying number of government scientific advisors suggesting in the media that masks, social distancing, one-way systems, regional lockdowns, etc. should be retained permanently, irrespective of our vaccination progress or the actual threat posed by COVID, sometimes even as a response to drastically less dangerous illnesses such as the winter flu and the common cold.

I don't want to be too hasty, so I'm giving it five years, but if any of these measures are still in place by 2026, I have every intention of killing myself. Why shouldn't I? If the horrific, dystopian nightmare society these monomaniacal lunatics have in mind comes to pass, I don't envisage myself ever having a career, making friends, finding a lover, travelling, attending concerts, or accomplishing any of the basic, rudimentary goals in life that make an suicide irrational choice.

I spent the entirety of my teenage years dealing with bereavement, isolation and bullying, all of which left me with crippling depression and social anxiety so severe that I could barely get through a single sentence in the presence of a stranger. I received very little support and have only myself to thank for the progress I've made. I could have ended it all years ago, but I held on in the hope of one day building a worthwhile life for myself. In late 2019, I finally started to open up and get to know some people my own age. Then a few short months into the only time I've ever felt anything close to happiness since 2011, the pandemic struck.

Now I'm being told aged 23 that my life is over. That freedom, spontaneity and joy itself have been consigned to the dustbin of history. That all I have to look forward to is a lifetime of the same endless isolation I've endured for the past decade, except with the additional bonus of being muzzled, caged and herded around like an animal. If you don't see that death is a preferable alternative to that, then you are clinically insane. Your pathological commitment to prolonging an empty, worthless, meaningless existence is a mental illness, and I pity you.

Asperger's Syndrome, insomnia, depression, social anxiety disorder, dyscalculia


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19 Jun 2021, 6:23 pm

LH42 wrote:
Here in the UK, we're seeing an worrying number of government scientific advisors suggesting in the media that masks, social distancing, one-way systems, regional lockdowns, etc. should be retained permanently, irrespective of our vaccination progress or the actual threat posed by COVID, sometimes even as a response to drastically less dangerous illnesses such as the winter flu and the common cold.

I don't want to be too hasty, so I'm giving it five years, but if any of these measures are still in place by 2026, I have every intention of killing myself. Why shouldn't I? If the horrific, dystopian nightmare society these monomaniacal lunatics have in mind comes to pass, I don't envisage myself ever having a career, making friends, finding a lover, travelling, attending concerts, or accomplishing any of the basic, rudimentary goals in life that make an suicide irrational choice.

I spent the entirety of my teenage years dealing with bereavement, isolation and bullying, all of which left me with crippling depression and social anxiety so severe that I could barely get through a single sentence in the presence of a stranger. I received very little support and have only myself to thank for the progress I've made. I could have ended it all years ago, but I held on in the hope of one day building a worthwhile life for myself. In late 2019, I finally started to open up and get to know some people my own age. Then a few short months into the only time I've ever felt anything close to happiness since 2011, the pandemic struck.

Now I'm being told aged 23 that my life is over. That freedom, spontaneity and joy itself have been consigned to the dustbin of history. That all I have to look forward to is a lifetime of the same endless isolation I've endured for the past decade, except with the additional bonus of being muzzled, caged and herded around like an animal. If you don't see that death is a preferable alternative to that, then you are clinically insane. Your pathological commitment to prolonging an empty, worthless, meaningless existence is a mental illness, and I pity you.

Let me tell you a story. Even though I live in America my family is originally from Palestine and I've visited Palestine during the worst episode of oppression in its history, a dark chapter called The Second Intifada. In Palestine my people live perpetually under military occupation and lockdown, a bleak circumstance they've experienced for almost 54 years now, in which they've had to endure home demolitions, arbitrary evictions, land theft, extrajudicial imprisonment, torture, home raids and actual Orwellian living. For most of our history it was illegal to so much as even use the word "Palestine". In Palestine checkpoints form a vast network within our territory that prohibits any and all movement, IDs are required to travel to certain areas, and essentially we live under a perpetual prison system day in and day out. And yet? We still choose to live. We brazenly protest even though we get shot at and the media calls us terrorists, we choose to continue living and continue to never let resignation to despair silence that inner will throbbing with unabated desire to forge a destiny that we wont let anyone take from us, one where we are free and no longer under occupation. Years and years of struggling amidst Orwellian circumstances and bombings, we now have a world population that is becoming more sympathetic to our cause, and none of that would have happened if our people chose surrender and suicide because it felt hopeless.

Why do I say this? Not to say that Palestinians are any tougher than others, but rather that where there is a will there is a way. The English people are the toughest people on Earth, whose kings and queens were compared to lions and lionesses (Richard the Lionheart for example) and whose former prime minister Winston Churchill chose to brazenly defy tyranny with a booming voice proclaiming to Hitler and the rest of the world "We shall never surrender". That was the attitude of your men and women years ago.

Do not let tyranny win. Tyranny thrives when the populace is too lilly livered to fight back and stand like a bulwark for your values. If you fear that civil liberties are being encroached and big government is going too far then protest, resist, spread awareness, do something but never give up.

Millions of your people died to defy tyranny when your soldiers perished fighting against the Nazis even as the Nazis were unstoppable and a force that terrorized the world, your men and women chose to stand their ground and fight for your rights and didnt mass suicide because all was lost since Hitler, who by this point had all of Western Europe easily vanquished, gave Churchill an ultimatum to either surrender or incur the wrath of the Luftwaffe. The British chose to stand their ground and fight and that made all the difference.

Fighting doesn't mean violence. Fighting means not passively accepting an unacceptable fate. Btw nothing I'm saying in this post is meant to condemn the lockdown or other public health measures put in place ostensibly to fight Covid. This is general advice meant generically as a template for confronting tyranny, real or perceived: choosing resistance and standing one's ground is the only way to bring about change

Millions of your people died to see you free. Dont let their sacrifices be in vain by choosing suicide when the going gets tough

"One often meets his destiny on the road he takes to avoid it."

Master Oogway


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19 Jun 2021, 8:32 pm

wow, salad! kick ass answer!

waiting to see how the OP replies

A finger in every pie.

Tufted Titmouse
Tufted Titmouse

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19 Jun 2021, 10:38 pm

Here, here, Salad!

Diagnosed ASD 2011