This is great news I thought I'd share. After much searching and looking I finally found the perfect therapist, a couples therapist who happens to be a Syrian refugee, happens to specialize in trauma AND ASD, and who happens to be the gentlest and most kindhearted person I've ever met. She's very receptive and attentive as a listener, she doesn't judge you, and she exudes such light and positivity it's like I'm talking to a literal angel.
She even happens to be a Rocky fan like me!! !!
I've spent 2 months searching for a therapist and every therapist either sucked, was unavailable due to pandemic overload of clients, couldn't accept my health insurance or didnt have the requirements I was looking for. Now after searching forever today I had a consult with this new obscure therapist and she clicked every checkbox for what I'm looking for and more
I see her this monday for my 1st appointment. I'm so excited
"One often meets his destiny on the road he takes to avoid it."
Master Oogway