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24 Jun 2021, 8:14 am

My neighbor is mostly nice to me, until she wants me to do things for her... or if I just simply disagree with her, she's graduated to accusing me of stuff, and I refused to for example do an internet search for her, and as I'm typing this out, she just called me on the phone, she's accusing me of stealing a package that didn't show up... It was a matter of time, because she'll tell me neighbors do stuff wrong that are absolutely rediculous, like for example one of her neighbors "stole a gun", another neighbor "moved here because she was evicted for pushing someone down the stairs" the male neighbor "is a pervert who is looking for someone to rape" I'm about to yeet her out of my life too!! !

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24 Jun 2021, 8:21 am

This woman seems like she deserves a good yeeting. :? I'm sorry that you've had to put up with her.


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24 Jun 2021, 8:22 am

If "yeet" in this context means "remove", then I am in total agreement.

Do you have Caller ID?  Do you have a peephole in your door?

(Advice: Put a piece of dark tape over the peephole so that no one will see light from your side, or see that light go dark when you look through it.  Just lift the flap when you look, and lower it before moving away from the door.)


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24 Jun 2021, 8:33 am

She's more than "toxic"----she's absolutely bonkers!


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24 Jun 2021, 11:07 am

It sounds like you need support in drawing / maintaining boundaries in your relationships. I hope a therapist can help you say no to these people, and stop communicating with them altogether. There's no reason you should need to leave your affordable housing because of emotional predators who manipulate and exploit you. I hope you can learn to self-advocate and cut all contact with these people, without being guilted into communication.

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24 Jun 2021, 1:37 pm

kraftiekortie wrote:
She's more than "toxic"----she's absolutely bonkers!


The kinds of accusations she makes sound like she is not playing with a full deck. Maybe she is mentally ill or maybe she is in a cognitive decline, like my husband. Either of those could cause her to be delusional.

But in either case, you shouldn't let her bug you. I wouldn't try to be nice to her, I'd just be aloof, and don't take her phone calls. If she passes you in the building and asks for a favor, say "sorry, no" - no explanation, just "no."

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24 Jun 2021, 6:27 pm

Angnix wrote:
My neighbor is mostly nice to me, until she wants me to do things for her... or if I just simply disagree with her, she's graduated to accusing me of stuff, and I refused to for example do an internet search for her, and as I'm typing this out, she just called me on the phone, she's accusing me of stealing a package that didn't show up... It was a matter of time, because she'll tell me neighbors do stuff wrong that are absolutely rediculous, like for example one of her neighbors "stole a gun", another neighbor "moved here because she was evicted for pushing someone down the stairs" the male neighbor "is a pervert who is looking for someone to rape" I'm about to yeet her out of my life too!! !

So what is the problem?
Just do it. ;)