Ever think when someone has something to tell you it's bad?

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10 Oct 2021, 11:59 pm

Yesterday my mother mentioned she had something to tell me about my uncle who lives up in the Northwest Territories with his family, and I just automatically asked "It's covid, right?". And my mom just laughed and said no and that my aunt and uncle are both double vaccinated. Actually it was a more humorous incident with a squirrel that was storing mushrooms in the insulation of his house for the winter. But does anyone else think when someone is about to tell you something it's going to be bad, like covid? And if it does turn out to be something bad, are people bewildered by your lack of being surprised when it is? I know I'm just a complete and total pessimist, but bad things are always happening and I have no faith in humanity and don't know how other people can stand it.


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11 Oct 2021, 6:18 am


I think I've disturbed people before in the past when they've asked me to guess what's up or what could go wrong. Now I usually default to the response "Something good?", "Is it bad or good?" or I make a joke that's so outlandish and bizarre that it could never possibly be true such as "He made a kingdom out of pigeons and declared himself a minor God?" That last one doesn't always land though, so it very much depends on the person I'm talking to. My mind does go to the worst-case scenario, but I try to keep it light just in case I am surprised, I tend to joke when I'm nervous. This can backfire if the news is bad though.

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11 Oct 2021, 8:50 am

"Miss Smith ... we're from HR ... we need to speak to you ... in the conference room ... close the door ..."


"Dun ... dun ... DUNNNN!!"

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11 Oct 2021, 8:54 am

I hope it's not bad.

I've felt the same sort of "dread" as others have felt.....but it hasn't always been the case that it was some sort of bad news.