AprilR wrote:
What your sister thinks doesn't matter, she has no say in how/if you should live. She is not some grand authority on your existence.
hurtloam wrote:
A lot of people here love you Kitty. Never mind what your sister says (I know that's easier said than done). You are precious.
She & my cousin wants me to live in an assistant living, I know that maynot be bad, they going to pick it out & force me to live there. I been emailing my cousin reaching out to her, big mistake, she don’t care about my Aspergers, she compared Aspergers to her being gay, it not the same, she also said she is the same person she always was. She told me that I’m letting my Aspergers take over my life. I told her that I’m learning things to help me with my Aspergers, she don’t care.