Hi Sarah,
I'm sorry to hear things are so bad for you again. I thought you had moved into an apartment with an older woman, but maybe I misread something or that didn't work out for some reason.
I don't know what types of services you have currently other than your psychiatrist. If you're interested in a social worker you can start by googling for social workers in your area. You could also get a referral from your GP but it seems like you've had enough of talking to doctors. I understand that.
If you're diagnosed with ASD you can also inquire about getting a caseworker for people with disabilities, if you don't already have a caseworker. You've been approved for disability insurance, you have a low income, and you lived in a group home, so you should be more than eligible for service. There might be group programs available or you might get a personal caseworker who helps with skills development and employment (if you're interested in work, or capable of working).
Are you on provincial disability? When you were approved for it you likely got a paper with the name and number of your insurance caseworker. That's where you would send evidence of any additional income. This person should be able to help you if you have any questions about support services. You can also contact MSI to see what's covered on your provincial healthcare insurance.
I never give you my number, I only give you my situation.