Juliette wrote:
Sounds like you feel wrongly punished for something you may have done. You mentioned lack of intent. Sometimes, regardless of intent, we’re having to accept that life expects A,B & C of us & dealing with the consequences is par for the course. Hopefully, we become stronger from these things, no matter how right or how wrong they seem. Drawing a line under the past, having a plan for the future is what it’s all about. Is there a particular job you feel drawn to in life, a field that you think you’d be happy in?
I was actually speaking more about things that have nothing to do with me, which I've seen a lot of in life along with people not seeing how unjust something is. That said however, yes, there actually have been numerous times in my life where I got the short end of the stick and in some cases, got blamed for it as well, so I guess there's still truth to what you're saying.
Regarding the job thing: I have no fricken idea at the moment.
Early 20s male with Asperger’s and what feels like a mood disorder