Kitty4670 wrote:
I had a little meltdown, I was doing banking, I felt like I didn’t know what I was doing, I felt too stupid, then I felt really bad, cuz I have no one to turn to when I need advice or help me pick out something. I felt like failure, I fail being an adult, I wanted to die.
I really resent having to do this sort of thing and it can become a big deal for me also. Every time I need to manage my finances online it's like being back at school and I've been told to do something I've no interest in doing whatsoever. I get mad, impatient and if something goes wrong then I lose it.
I know how to code, so it really ought not to be an issue for me, but it's as if another part of my brain takes over and I'm 6 years old again, losing control of my emotions under pressure whilst being told to act my age and to stop acting like a baby. I never did want to grow up and things like this remind me why.