Highly_Autistic wrote:
Tell me something to do. I mean, how can i cope with this, if i cant solve it ? I feel lonely in crowds, when im alone, or when im near other people. I dont even have strong bonds with my family. Very unlucky.
Luck does play a big part in it. I had one real friend at school who eventually moved away, but just before he left, somebody else joined our class who just happened to have exactly the same special interests as me, which nobody else had, so he was still looking for a friend and he filled the gap. Having somebody to sit with and hang out with did go someway to disguising the fact that I was an oddball. Girlfriend wise I just happened to walk the same way home as somebody who was as messed up in the head as I was and we connected on that level. Once I left school though, I became totally isolated for years, into my mid-20s. It was only through taking a series of quite drastic measures and risks that I was able to find somebody on my wavelength. I suppose if you get desperate enough, you will be compelled to take some sort of action that you'd normally find excuses or reasons not to make.