feeling down about everythig

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14 Feb 2024, 10:51 pm

I just don't know, should I try to talk to a therapist/counseler, they may not have all the answers but maybe they could help me find ways to deal with my emotions. I'm just all f****d up since roe vs. wade was overturned, makes me so mad but idk the rage I feel I just wish there was a way to use it constructively. To fight so other women don't have to experience the horror or pregnancy complications in a state where they cannot get help.

But what can I really do...I wish there was a way I could help support women who need abortions, even if it put me at risk I just wish there was some way I could help those people in the super red states...to get out and get an abortion if they need it.

But I don't even know how I could help, I don't even have a drivers liscence...but my boyfriend is willing to let me practice with his car....so I could get my license if I practice a bit. Idk if I had my license I could help drive people to abortion clinics, even if they are from a state that doesn't approve.

We won't go back.


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14 Feb 2024, 11:04 pm

The overturning of Roe vs. Wade has thrown me for a loop too. The lack of bodily autonomy is just incredibly disturbing, perhaps especially for people who are survivors of trauma because it’s a similar level of disempowerment. It’s a horrible situation for anyone who needs an abortion. The very idea of it makes me sick. I don’t have any answers, but I’m with you on this. Recently, I worked through why it’s bothered me so much, but that knowledge didn’t make the feelings go away. It can be good to get upset about stuff because it often leads people to fight for change or help others, but given my current situation, there’s not much I can do.