I am currently looking for a place to live. Let me give a quick backstory as to why. My mom passed away exactly one month ago today. I am the only child. I have high functioning autism but am able to do many things - feed myself, bathe myself, dress myself, drive a car, all of that. I had to move out of the apartment that I shared with my mom upon her death because our income was tied in together. I had to call both Social Security and her federal annuity people to inform them of her passing (among other numerous things). All I get now is my monthly Social Security. I am seriously looking into their Ticket To Work program once everything gets settled with finding a place to live. I have tried anything United Way has; PadSplit; Apartments.com; Rent Cafe; and even HUD's Section 8 waiting list is closed at the moment. It would take years for me to even get on that, anyway. If anyone out there has any ideas, I will gratefully take them. I am looking for either a one bedroom apartment or a room for rent in the 600 dollar range so that I will have enough left for auto insurance and other expenses. Thanks.
"Wherever you go, there you are."