Why do families have to be sooooo bad? One of my aunts is WORSE, she can do things that are sooooo bad, she send me a nasty email once all capital letters, another time I went to Best Buy, she was going to pick me up, she never did, she had more important things to do, she never call me. When my mom passed away, we had a memorial service at my cousin's house, there was a memorial book, people can write letters to remember my mom, I wrote a poem. My aunt wrote bad stuff in my mom memorial letter, the bad stuff were about me & my sister, my aunt thought we were selfish & can say really really hurtful words, how can an aunt do that? Some of my other family members can be BAD too. My grandmother had 7 children, only one aunt emailing me, the good aunt. I cannot count on my dad, he sooooooooo weird, I may have to disown my dad, he NOT acting like a father.