DuckHairback wrote:
Well done dude. That's great news. And that's a sweet little riff too. I can see why someone trying to teach you a c chord would be dispiriting. You're much better than me!
Thanks he got mad that I didn't know what key I was playing in and couldn't name the notes.
The angering thing is I could have figured it out cept I do not do well with verbal communication and I acted like a deer in headlights.
I do want to point out that there is no better or worse when comparing between people. Its just "are you better than you were."
As great as Jimi Hendrix was, he cannot be a better you than you. That is a key mindset. It is really intimidating to get into the guitar world there's a lot of guitar bro types that can do van Halen style tapping and think anyone who can't sucks.