GAK-- MORE Celexa issues for Ana!

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05 Sep 2007, 5:47 pm

Okay, so I drop a plastic thing of makeup on the floor, one of the little makeup things comes out and falls on the floor and turns to powder, I pick it up and stuff it all back in and close the thing, but the latch on it broke. I'm getting around to organizing my stuff-- I organized all my clothes and that-- I put a bunch of stuff, including the makeup, in this pocket in my suitcase... anyway, my mother comes home, does lots of laundry, puts a bunch of stuff she says is mine but I don't want in that pocket... the poket contains the compressed-powder makeup and my bottle of Celexa... I take the stuff she put in there out, she puts it back in. The next morning I get up to take my Celexa and find that the bottle has come open and the pills are scattered throughout the pocket, and they're all covered in the makeup powder. I take one anyway with the powder on it, and go back to sleep... for longer than usual, and I feel slightly dizzy for a few seconds but it passes. Later on I go back up to my room to clean out the pocket in my suitcase, I wash the pills (which subsequently shrink a little and some of the powder won't come off, and I don't want to scrape it off because it will reduce the size of the pills even more.) I wash out the bottle, put the fragile wet pills back in (drying them would make them crumble into powder and I'd never be able to get all the powder back into the bottle.) Anyway, it crumbles into powder-mush anyway because it's wet, some of the brown makeup powder is still in it and I hope this doesn't influence how it works on me! I noticed that today I've been a lot more stressed and depressed, and I wondered what it was; ahd the Celexa stopped working? But then I remembered-- maybe the makeup powder did something to stop it from working so well? Since the powder is still wet (though I put it in the window to dry), I'm worried that it will change the chemical composition of it or something... and when my mom comes home and sees a bottle of pill proder in the window she'll probably think something crazy, like I'm experimenting with my drugs and decided to snort it!

Does anyone have any idea if they'll stop working now or if they're poison or what?


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09 Sep 2007, 3:51 pm

Oh man... they told me at Poison Control days ago to to that very day and get the pills replaced, but I was too embarrassed. I thought they'd be like, "How did you manage that?" I mean, it's powder, it's wet and it's got wierd brown stuff in it. It should be straightforward to explain... but at the time I didn't believe it! It was depression making me not think so good, which is why I'm taking the pills in the first place. They were working on me, but not so good I could think properly, sadly! This haoppened too soon! I just continued to take the powder, which DID lose its potency-- more siognificantly than I thought. I got another black hole last night and feel like I lost another part of my soul (I feel like I lost a big part during a previous depressive attack when I first came to Edmonton). I'm so scared and depressed and feel hopeless, like I'll always be even more deprived (sensory deprivation) and that I permanently damaged myself in that way by taking the chance just because of a little embarrassment... I forgot how well the ADs worked! I need to get over there soon, I'll go today! It'll give me something to do, anyway.

I feel like part of my soul is trapped in an unbreakable black container and will be trapped in there forever... oh God, I feel so awful, like I permanently did some damage and will never be as good again, never have the potential that I had before, but have to make the best of it anyway lest I inflict more irreversible damage on myself! the world is narrowing for me... I need more stimulation than ever now, and it's impossible to get it! That makes me so depressed. The alst time I was depressed like this I planned to join the army. I'm not as bad as I was before I started the ADs, but I'm getting worse, so I'd better go get some soon today I guess... in the meantime I took more powder. :)


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09 Sep 2007, 4:03 pm

I wouldn't worry too much. Though it's not supposed to be eaten, the powder isn't likely to be a potent drug either, without anyone noticing it before.

If you worry about telling someone about how the powder got mixed up with the pills, print out the story you wrote here and let them read it.


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09 Sep 2007, 4:12 pm

Yeah, they have time to go online and find someone's story... lol.

Anyway, I pretty much got it sorted out, I was just complaining in my lst post about the depression and it seemed more fitting to add it into here than make a whole new thread. :)


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13 Sep 2007, 11:43 am

Make up powder will NOT hurt your Celexa medication. Only sunlight, heat and water (moisture) will affect any kind of medication. You definitely don't want to take any medication when the capsules break apart. There is a reason for that plastic protective coating.
The only way make up will "poison" you depends upon how much you ingest, which I seriously doubt you got that much when the
prescription bottle came open.

My sister's Alaskan Husky once ate her bottle of estrogen cream and even as a male dog, it didn't bother him. He was just squeaky
clean from the inside out.