So, ever since I got my diagnoses this last spring, my mom has really latched onto AS as an explanation for everything I do...she's been reading books, articles, etc... I suppose it's nice that she's interested...except for the fact that now my having AS is the cause of all the problems she and I have...all the problems I had as a kid, all that. Sometimes, she finds an interesting connection. For instance, she read that many kids with AS like string. Well, nifty, I love string, it's cool stuff. Sometimes, tho, she uses info she reads to explain my faults, such as that kids with AS "don't understand" when they're told to clean up their rooms. (I'm 21, I know what she means when she tells me to pick up my room...but I just don't want to...I like a certain amount of disorder^.^)I know she means well...but she manages to phrase things in such a way to insinuate a lack of intelligence on my part. "You just don't grasp the way other people think..." "You don't understand" blah blah blah. Additionally, everytime I get upset at something mean she says, she tells me that people with AS get offended all the time, and think that other peole are being mean when they're really not. While I know that I sometimes take things too personally...she can also be really, truly mean (This occured after a fight in which she told me that I was thoughtless, self-centered and selfish, and that she didn't trust me to help her if she really needed help...) Everything is phrased in such a way that it because my fault..."You need to learn how to cope," "You need to learn how to be less sensitive," "You need to learn how to take things less literally," etc etc. She gets mad at me when I avoid situations I dislike...then gets mad when I get visibly upset when forced into those situations. I feel like i'm in a lose-lose situation.
How do I get her to understand that having a diagnoses doesn't change who I am, doesn't mean that I don't understand things that NTs might, doesn't mean that my reactions aren't valid? And how do I convey that I'm not choosing to be hypersensitive, that I'm not choosing to take what she says literally, and therefore I can't simply stop doing it? After all...I know that she really just wants to help, but all of her "helping" is really starting to wear at me...