So I go on youtube, and I see stories of people with downs syndrome. I've worked with a few of them, and found them to be very delightful. As a matter of fact, their worse problems are from insensitive cruel jerks. I was shocked when people were telling the parents of these children that their children should have been killed at birth. So ya know I responded in a ....well I'm Aluapay on youtube, you'll see my repsonses. If a person is different, they should be celebrated, not executed. I think I responded to different comments like 5 times...I think, I just got upset. I guess being around people with DS, I don't feel sorry for them. Most are so busy laughing, how could I feel sorry for them? Oh there are a few who aren't nice, but geez, they probably got that way due to abuse form insensitive,cruel jerks.