Paranoia... what a beast...
Seems these days, the best way I control this harsh paranoia is still not entirely convincing - it kind of builds up... gradually continuing to build up and up... stopping me from thinking I can do stuff so well... leaving me a bit rusty and it eventually this can get desperate.
And then bam! Just when all looks so out of hand that I'm going to lose all the time and all hope has gone, down goes the paranoia in all its entirety, and then an explosion of a great feeling in which I give off positive vibes and come across really well in situations arrises, and I'm left wondering complacently in my new found awesome feeling, why I got so paranoid in the first place.
I'm feeling the strain atm though... paranoia is on one of its gradual build-ups... it's forcing its way up to a bad point... I need to let it out before it gets really bad again...
Thousands of candles can be lit from a single candle,
and the life of the candle will not be shortened.
Happiness never decreases by being shared.