Over here:
Basically, my supervisor hates me, and is seeking to remove me from federal service, because I have AS, even though I have already applied for disability retirement and am awaitng final approval.
I'm trying to put together a petition from the good people at Wrong Planet. I've put together the following:
We, the undersigned, understand and/or have had personal experience ourselves dealing with bullying, harassment and intimidation that people born with Asperger's Syndrome (and other autistic-spectrum disorders) often face.
We feel that Jean Fowler's recommendation to remove Willard Losinger from federal service at this time, while he is awaiting approval for disability retirement, is a deliberate insult not only to Willard Losinger, but to all people on the autistic spectrum.
We ask that you deny Jean Fowler the personal pleasure that she would derive from removing Willard Losinger from federal service at this time, and permit him to await his disability retirement in peace and without further harassment.
Would anyone care to add his/her name to this, or else offer suggestions for improvement?