My brother has a drinking problem
can he not accept fluids?
nightbender wrote:
My dad woke up this morning and his car was gone. My brother was down stairs and my dad asked what happened and he couldnt speak coherently. my mom was up with him the whole moring trying to figure out what had happened and he couldnt respond to the questions. she was really scared about him
it is interesting that the car was stolen on the same night your brother had a problem drinking things. i can not see a relation myself. when people can not drink, they may become dehydrated and incoherent. the reason they may have a problem with thirst may be damage to the hypothalamus.
and the stealing of the car is another annoyance to deal with i guess.
there are no interesting threads to post to tonight so sorry ..that is why i posted in this one.
hope i was of help.