Reincarnated into this world? I doubt many would want to, not sure if its possible either. My experience is with much easier ones (I know, not much help right?). The point of life is growth. Although I understand how hard this task is when we have as many problems as we do, and makes suicide tempting. It took me a really long time for me to understand how if any "normal joe" had to go through what some of us did, he would surely take his own life. But we havent, why? Because we are strong. I thought at one point that because I am sensitive to emotional pain I am weak. It isnt true, in fact Im strong because although Im extremely sensitive and have endured great pain from both large and smallscale "happenings", I am still breathing. Emotional strength is about keeping at least enough hope to keep yourself alive, even if its hard to control what you feel. Mind you that in our positions its not always even possible to control what we feel anyway, depending on the situation. All this is very important, for leaving too early could be a very big mistake, for your existance in this world mostly. One reason, which probably applies most to you is that new possibilities are always around the corner, sometimes even at random during times of hoplessness. I know from experience one of the biggest life mistakes is missing out and closing doors for yourself for whatever the reason.
However Ive pretty much always been against taking the short cut (or at least for myself). I mean, things have gotten pretty damn hopeless for me all through out my life and I fatasize about it sometimes, but I would never do it. I KNOW I could potentionally and maybe eventually make my life better for myself, its more of a question of when I can make this possible. Also if theres anyone on this miserable earth who is willing to help me.. Sigh. I mean, if theres anyone who is COMPATIBLE to help me. I know myself enough to know I cant live life alone. From this I can start my own life. But thats just me, maybe what you need is to think more about what you need and want, and doing everything you can to make them come true. Growth of our mind, body and spirit is important for all of us, so give that some thought. Though desperation leads you nowhere, and giving up due to seemingly hopeless situations is a lack of logic. So, either you choose to endulge in it or you dont.
On a grand scale, man kind is very weak, but mostly strong for human standards. Well, mostly is a bit of an exaggeration but I think you know what I mean. But this doesnt make life worthless. The key to a good life for yourself lies deep within you, even if your an aspie. Its not important why you are this way, but more important what you can do about it. Or should I say, what you can do to cope with it. Hope I was able to shed some light..
"In sin I want to live... Under the freezing moon"