LabPet wrote:
....I don't get hugs. I am affectionate though but I do not like being 'surprise touched' by strangers. I love my WrongPlanet inhabitants though....I will hug, if they hug back. Kind words are nice too.
Oh, ragtime - I love your music! I listened - you're talented.
Separately, I feel sad today. At least I think I feel sad, I do feel something awry. I am not feeling well.
Well, I hope you feel better. I'm a little under the weather today myself. Plus, I just found out I have to get a root canal tomorrow, and I can barely afford it
They're having to split the payment over time for me, because I just finished paying them over $2,000 for other cavaties and general cleaning, so I'm tapped out. (It's my fault -- I avoided dentists and flossing for years, so now I have all this expensive work that needs doing.)