Nekoguy, the disagreement about medication for & against can get very longwinded. The two superstars (hate using that term) of the autistic world Donna Williams & Temple Grandin take a small dose of anti-depressant as it has a very positive effect on dampening down the hyper-arousal of their nervous system.
I found reading Temple & Donna's lives stories very inspiring.
Arguments about for or against medication are unhelpful at times like this (they often remind me of Christians fighting over scripture) However, I would point out that many people with depression who are not on prescribed meds, more often than not self-medicate themselves in ways that are by far more harmful than a small dose of ssri, that can give a person a quality of life.
I love the analogy Ana, nice to hear you again and wishing you all well here, from a misty London.
"We are here on earth for a little space to learn to bear the beams of love." (William Blake)
Thank God for science, but feed me poetry please, as I am one that desires the meal & not the menu. (My own)