Inventor wrote:
It's the input problem, we want it, need it, but what they are selling does not fit.
High school has to be the worst. More social than educational.
Many have said, life at the University was much better.
Self education is the way. Something interests you, learn about it. It is not the subject as much as training the brain to do as you want. Ape brains are lazy.
School systems all over are about the same, GED, other tests, Eighth Grade, C-, you pass.
Passing school and getting an education are different. A Degree in Computer Science will not teach you to fix them.
Nothing works for the brain like learning. It does not matter what. Becoming an expert in one video game is still reaching expert level.
We are a hungry lot, if it were not for obsessions, feeding on some rarely needed knowledge, I would not get my fix.
When I do not have input or output going, I feel dead. Doing nothing, being passive, is not good.
I think you have had a taste of that. Something interests you, learn about it.
Yes, that is the subject I mean, whatever comes to mind. It is your mind, something like a pet, feed it.
You would not neglect a poor little pet brain, would you? Just feed it, show some care, and it will perk up.
Take heed to what Inventor is saying here. These words probably reflect more wisdom than anything else you're going to hear. I wish somebody had told me such things when I was 15 and in your state of mind. It took me half a century to discover how valuable it is to feed one's brain, especially to do so without allowing other people to judge what's important to you.
"Has not my hand made all these things, and so they came into being?" declares the LORD. "This is the one I esteem: he who is humble and contrite in spirit, and trembles at my word." – Isaiah 66:2