Brittany2907 wrote:
Are you currently taking anti-depressants? If you are..then maybe they are not the right type for you, or not at the right dose. If you are not taking any, then maybe you need to.
I haven't taken anything since I was poisoned by Paxil. I was never suicidal until I started taking it. I quit meds soon after that. I'm not going back.
You say councelling is not doing anything for you. Well, it could actually be the councellor at fault, not you. Sometimes councellors at patients just never get anywhere together and you need to just get a different councellor, one who does understand you.
I should have clarified. I'm not seeing a counselor right now. I had a very bad experience with my last one. I'm afraid it will happen again.
I think that you should consider those options [about anti-depressants and councelling].
See my explanations.
Good luck, I hope you get over this depression, as I know from personal is not nice.