d? And the more depressed you get, the more so-called trained professionals (doctors, nurses, whatever) abuse you "for your own good" or "to help you"? And then when they make your mental problems worse they a buse you more and say it's yoou getting worse, blaming it all on you or your mental condition? That threat has been very real to me.
Have you ever felt that if you didn't watch your step, if you didn't say just the right thing or if you got too anxious, or if you had one little outburst, or if someone tells a lie about you because they don't like you, you could be put in an institution?
Not at all anymore (except for what I expressed about the JRC) because the anti-ds I'm taking might be making me complacent, but I feared that being institutionalized and subsequently being written off, given up on, have drastic measures used against me (aka "for" me), be labeled with exaggeration or downright lies, humiliated, dehumanized, brainwashed, understimulated, insulted, treated coldly, punished for being me or for having a problem, lied about, exaggerated about, confused with someone or something else worse or more embarrassing then me or my problem(s), isolated, totally and completely misunderstood, or rather, ununderstood... ignored, pointedly ignored, have people care more about my behavior than my feelings, or rather, not at all about my feelings but caring sadistically about my behavior... called a liar when I try to call to the outside for help, forced to help them torture people, not being seen fit to make even the choice of what to eat or being fed prison food, totally non-nutritious but also totally disgusting and vomit-inducing food, being treated as a second-class citizen or less intelligent or less important or less human, being restrained for no reason, being drugged for no reason, particularly with drugs that have opposite effects as what I need (depressants to sedate me, but I suffer from major depression, so this was a big fear for me), having assumptions made about me; the list of what I fear from those places just goes on and on.
Thinking about all this would make me bitter and angry at society.
Last edited by Ana54 on 04 Jan 2008, 7:57 pm, edited 2 times in total.