Can't think, can't talk properly, can't comprehend as used to, headaches getting too regular, not so amused and cheerful as used to, can't be bothered to behave 'socially acceptable', can't be bothered if misunderstandings arises, can't be bothered to mend relationships with people, can't be bothered about my studies, too much worrying on who's doing better, too much despair that i'm worthless etc etc, too much lying on the bed and staring at the ceiling thinking basically nothing, too much daydreaming, excessive desire to sleep 24/7, no longer cares about the future, way too much wanderings in streets, now preferring to be alone, now so very aware of the seconds ticking away but can't do anything, now unnecessarily hating in a screaming way to loud noises and bad weather and bad lighting and every possible tiny things, no more of that daring competitive element so well known to others, no more desire to aim higher than anyone else or even put effort trying to think as 'original' as used to...
What the hell is wrong with me? Because despite of this don't-carish attitude i do actually care about it and i hate it and i want it to stop. But nothing is helping me at the moment. Cute? Hell no.
Haven regular.