laughing gas works differently on different people, autistics especially tend to have issues with hyper or hypo sensitivity to drugs,it's not going to be the same experience,if it works,use it,if find it needs way much to have any affect at all it might be better trying IV sed. instead.
Laughing gas does not work on am at all,it's like breathing in pure oxygen,am have to have general anaesthetic instead as am require too much IV sed. for any effect. have read an old consent form from before am started to have GA,and it said am had 'respiritory depression' when using the needed dose of IV sed,sounds awful,never knew anything about that.
Don't put up with just gas if need something more,try something else instead,dad was prescribed some sort of sedative by the gp to take before one dentist appointment,but dentists also do IV sed. and also IV sed+gas.
do dentists use ketamine on patients?
>severely autistic.
>>the residential autist;
blogging from the view of an ex institutionalised autism/ID activist now in community care.
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