Why is it that NTs feel a need to lie? I am worn out from lies from NTs. I am worn out from my husband lying to me and then believing that "not telling me the truth" or "not telling me everything" that impacts US, is NOT lying.
I absolutely hate NT mentality.
With everything we are going through, we have a friend who is trying to help us. I have talked to him on the phone various times. Today I arrive home, and my husband says hi, and then dials his phone and gives me the phone...when I ask him who it is, he says it's the guy that's helping us. I talk to the guy, and then when I hang up, I ask my husband why he didn't tell me that he was calling him and why he instead felt it was ok to just call someone and hand me the phone without fair warning. His reposponse? "Well, maybe you wouldn't want to talk to him, so I thought I'd just call him and give you the phone..."
WHAT THE HECK??? Then he gets upset because I'm being unreasonable...It is the same attitude from other NTs that has pushed me to the edge! They push and make mistakes and lie...or don't tell you the truth...and then when I become angry, I am to blame for "becoming angry!"...
Is it just me or are they outrageously unreasonable???
I feel like I am going to lose it at this point...major meltdown is not even the begining!
If it weren't for my son, I would tell them all where to go and disappear from the face of the earth! I feel that I am about to lose it because of all these NT attitudes...