Two of my friends who never talked to each other-- username88 and Aradford-- who had been gone for months, came back to WP both on the same day. I thought there was some glitch at first when I saw PMs from them in my inbox, some glitch that brought deleted messages back and deleted new ones, but then I saw the date on the messages!
Furthermore, Adverb is driving up to get me to bring him down, and Rexmas is coming to live with me and Adverb in Adverb's 4-bedroom house. MADDuck lives in the same city and will be visiting often, and I just asked username88 to join us and I'm sure he'll say yes! There will be 4 of us living there; so perfect! We can take a few more though.
Oh, and we'll be starting a business/charty to raise funds for an Aspie commune and an Aspie school; we'll be selling clothes, school supplies, etc. with Aspie slogans on them, make an album with Aspie songs and sell it, make a movie about Aspies, make an Aspie music video, art depicting Aspies, and publish a book with Aspies' stories of disaster and adversity in it!