Why you feel like this I can't tell you, but I can say that it is okay to feel like that. You may think that I am "just being nice" to you, because that is what you asked for, but I don't do that, EVER! I tell people what I think of them, people may not always like what I say, but they can alwys trust it. I HATE moderating, controling or cencoring myself with a passion, and indeed I don't think there is anyone who doesn't. And yet everyone knows that we have to do it. I know it when I stop myself from litteraly beating some sense into the thick heads of bullies. And you knew it when you made this post. You don't like what you feel yourself turning into, and so you ask for help, that is displaying both courage and good sense, and is much to be admired. You want someone to be there for you, we all do, but before you know the source of your problem, and are taking measures to better yourself, you are likely to scare anyone who might care for you away. Analyse your problem, find the source, and fight it!
Hope you will feel better soon Ana, and if you need to say f**k you to me, then feel free to do so.
Once I knew everything, then I got smarter, now the only thing I know is that I know nothing.
Strange how that worked out isn't it?