886: I'm honestly not sure what to make of that comment....inappropriate though! I don't think that's cute or funny AT ALL. I would not honor her stupidness with a 'witty retort' back, which may encourage manager to make her think this comment is acceptable - it's NOT.
I take this sort of thing seriously, and I've hurt by one with a mindset like your manager. I'll share: I worked in a lab and my supervisor would not allow me to perform a certain laboratory function, which needed to be done and I offered to take on this responsibility, because (direct quote), "You will become catatonic." In reference to my enhanced senses, autism. I said nothing.
Later, this woman became, in all respects, an out-of-control witch with me as her target. So I think it's vital this kind of behavior be amended NOW, not later. Address this RIGHT AWAY with her supervisor and document what happened, with specifics.
Good luck. I stayed strong and never resorted to my supervisor's stupid pettiness, which is why I prevailed. Your situation sounds potentially....scary. I am sorry she felt justified in saying this to you. You do not deserve this, and certainly not in the workplace. Unprofessional.
The ones who say “You can’t” and “You won’t” are probably the ones scared that you will. - Unknown