in uni today i lost my glove, this would not normally be bad enough to set me off but i have lost so much stuff over the last week (& i do not normally lose stuff) that i went into an MD infront of everyone, hitting & biting myself. i have a huge bite mark on my hand now. i then spent a few hours panicking about where my glove was but i eventually found it. however it has left me feeling exhausted & i just want to curl up in bed & sleep but i cant as it is the riding club AGM tonight & i am running for president.
another thing is this episode has taken away my self confidence, & if i have no confidence in myself then no one is going to vote for me. i dont expect to win, but i want to give it my best shot but the way i am feeling at the mo i dont feel capable of doing. i am going to see the mental health worker in the morning, but i could do with some advice now on how to get through tonight.
Never waste time in a hug