No bills, no grades, no getting up in the morning, no insults, no snobbishness, no embarrassing moments, no snottiness, no snootiness, no worrying about being a victim of crime if I'm not a prisoner inside all night, no expectations, no appointments I have to keep, no stress, no pressure, no nagging, no annoying reminders, no questions, no having to follow the rules or ask to use the bathroom or go for jury duty or submit to a random search and/or testing of my stuff and my person or my bodily fluids or my excretions or whatever, submit to this background check, carry my ID everywhere and get fined if I happen to look like a fugitive and don't have it, write cover letters, dust the shelves to make the living room look respectable, eat like a lady, wear clothes that OTHERS think suit me, or wear black shoes and shine them regularly or cut grass or lie just to avoid offending someone or rush to meet a deadline. No filling out long forms, no people staring at me, no being careful what I wear so that nobody will look at my rolls of fat. No f****n BS.
I don't have any of that now except for the embarrassing moments, but I'm afraid of getting sucked into that BS.