First off, there's going to be some swearing in this. If it's against some rules, tell me and I'll bleep 'em out or something, though I'm sure they'll be bleeped already.
Secondly, I have no idea what forum to put this thread in, seriously.
Now my problem. I think sensory issues are an aspie thing, yes, but they're completely off the wall for me. I have an actual problem with sensory issues unrelated to AS, so it's... well... an issue. Clothing bothers me, touching bothers me, sound bothers me, movement bothers me--everything. I mean, I live in the attic three flights up, and when people put the dishes away on the bottom floor I can hear it and it bothers me.
Now, when I say bother, I don't get my message across at all. I actually mean hurts. It seriously hurts me to hear noise. Now, of course not all noise, I love music and my cat meowing, but sounds like basketballs bouncing, or kids making... noise, or machines doing wtfever they do, uhg, uhguhguhguhg, I can't. STAND. It. Seriously, I just, I have only enough self-control to keep from hitting people, but I just get angry and want to throw things (and often do) and yell and... uhg.
Obviously this is a problem because people move and make noise (people are banging a basketball right now and I want to get a f*****g bomb and blow them up, seriously). But... even my own family doesn't understand my problem. And I can't. Fix it.
Seriously, this is my... only real problem. I mean, it's a huge one, and it often makes me want to just kill myself or other people and just, uhg, die. Or something. But if it were fixed (which I seriously don't think is possible, thus the desire to die), I don't... think... there would be any other problems.
I don't know why I'm even writing this, it's not like any of you could help, and I doubt you could even understand. I mean, I'm sure you'll say 'oh, noise bothers me too'; but I doubt... I don't know. I can't be with people at all, even my family, because they move.
The worst part is seriously that my family often doesn't believe me, and just thinks that either I'm faking it... or controlling them, or something, or just don't care if it's real or not, they just want me to shut up, I guess. I mean, I understand, sort of... I'm sure living with me must be hell, but imagine f*****g being me, okay? Gah. Their punishment is they have to go to the park to play baseball; my punishment is I always feel like I'm in hell. Maybe it's just because I have no desire to play baseball in the first place, but... I don't think I'd choose the latter.
I expect some people here will tell me to shut up and live with it, or die, but whatever. I really don't know what to do other than those, though.