Friggin eh.
I'm depressed,exhausted,lonely,misunderstood,unable to understand others, ugh it just goes on on on on on. It sucks every little thing I do wrong I just get obsessed over it and can never move on. One thing goes wrong and my whole week is gone to pot. I just can't handle having to deal with everything like this all the time. No one I like likes me, the girls I try to be friends with don't care for me, the guys either, most ignore me or just feign friendliness b/c they'll feel bad. I don't have any friends and everyone who tries to be my friend I'm to thick to notice or their worse off than me and only bring me down worse. And an old crush of mine knows every single girl I meet making it nearly impossible for me to move on or think of anything but her SHE'S TOO DAMN POPULAR!! !! ughhh makes it worse is that she liked me too and she has a boyfriend now and basically b/c it didn't work out with me and her she makes all her friends hate me whenever they talk about me, I just can't let anyone know who the heck I am or they'll know her and hate me too.
Girls don't make any sense to me at all, no matter how hard I try or how much I care it always falls apart, and they don't even seem to realize I have AS, and I can't go try to talk to them out of fear that they'll I'm some crazy stalker or something........ I just walk past them like they aren't there..... ALL OF THEM KNOW EACH OTHER WTF IS THAT!?!?!?!?! !??! I can't make any mistakes or it's all down the crapper...... And they don't stop talking to each other so inevitably they end up finding out about me I'm sure...... I can't even try to be friends b/c I don't know how to be a friend anymore...
I can't move forward b/c I don't know which way that is anymore My stupid laptop isn't even working right now for some reason.
I don't notice the things other people notice so when someone is trying to give me another chance or trying to forgive me I don't even know if I know that person I just can't recognize them... And by the time I do if I try then they get scared like I'm crazy or something.. I'm so depressed I just wanna die I can't even sleep and I have to give a speech that I know is crap and I'll fail again life just sucks for me....
Tacos (optional)
wow that sucks. maybe you should try joining groups that specialise in an interest of yours eg if u like star wars join a star wars club or something like that. You will feel more comfortable doing something that you like and meet some people with the same interests, which is a good thing.
it would also help if u went to a professional counsellor that understands AS, they will be able to help you get things together again.