Am I employable?
I've been out of work for just about a year, living off the kindness of my partner. The last job I had I left primarily because one of my managers said something that I misunderstood, I responded incorectly, and was promptly yelled at. I spent the rest of my night at work trying to hold back my crying, and failing miserably. The next day I didn't show up, mostly because of embarasment, and I haven't been working since.
I've been looking for jobs. Most places aren't hiring and I'm sure that's got something to do with our lousy economy here in US. A few places have given me interviews, but those don't seem to be going very well. I have problems with eye contact, which is said to be very important in job interviews, I get stuck on simple questions like "Discribe a time when you had a problem at work and how you solved it." and other such stuff that they ask you durring interviews. They always give me that whole "we'll call you" line, which I fall for every time, leaving the interview smiling thinking I still have a chance. Looking back I realize that each one of those interviewers made up their mind on the spot.
My question is (as the subject line indicates) do you think I'm employable? Should I keep at it, or should I seek out other options like SSI. The last two jobs that I had, I only worked at for about a month a peice and that was over the course of nearly 2 years. My finances are going downhill fast so I'm going to need to do something. I've just applied for general asstance, but that requires that you actively seek a job, which I'm getting more and more apathetic about. Not to mention that I've preaty much exhausted my job options in this town. I'm planning on just applying to my three job a day requirement, and just accepting that they most likely won't hire me. If I happen to get a job, fantastic, but if I don't at least I have the GA. Once that runs out, I'm probably going to go for Social Security. What do you guys think?
Go for the SSI first before you're too broke, because it takes time for the potential funds to get back to you. On the side, keep looking for work, apply for work you think you would not like, and temp work, not just the work that looks good to you. Multiple streams of income if you can. Getting fired just means a bad fit, not forever dammed.
Not to put people with disabilities down, since I have my own disabilities, but an example... I see some people being baggers in grocery stores, and they don't how to do it, because of a mental impairment. It is a mystery how I could not get hired for bagging groceries, but they can. Because maybe the store gets credit for hiring a disabled worker? No idea, but that learning-disabled guy gets paid for low-quality work, and I get turned down, even though I can do better work. Some sort of sympathy/minority hiring going on. Have you tried being a bagger yet? If you know you can bag groceries, there is a job to look for, just to get through the poor times. If that disabled guy can get a job, so can you.
Go to a temp agency. Tell them your story. I made the mistake of quitting a great job after a meltdown, similar to your story. I was out of work for a year. No one wants to hire someone out of work that long. (They wonder what's the "real" reason you haven't been working.) You need to establish a record of dependability. A temp agency is the easiest way to go. You can also tell them you want to work on your job skills and explore your options, which is true, but they love to hear that stuff.
Everyone is employable. Do you have any special skills/ training? If not, then maybe look into that. Lots of jobs allow you to work on your own. Of course it helps if people are actually hiring. Could you move somewhere with more opportunities? Or you could work overseas or on a cruiseship.
Get SSi and go to a temp agency. And while doing that, think about what you WANT to do with your life. Do you like staying at home watching movies? Then maybe you want to be involved in the process of making or being in movies, perhaps your own. Do you like cooking? Maybe you can take some chef classes and become a chef. Do you like reading mystery novels? Do you want to try writing some? Do you like anything at all physical? No problem; temp agencies have a lot of that!