Thoughts, action.
I've met this guy, about 6 months ago and I really felt a "fireworks" connection. We have dated for 1 month, I was all over the place, experiencing "highs" at all was well, "I could do this," "I could be a good gf just like everybody else and have this MEANINGFUL rel afterall." I really fell for the guy and he did the same.
Problems started when after a very affectionate night he suddenly started to tell me how MUCH he liked me, that I am so blablabla, he seemed to pour his heart out to me and to really NEED me now. He called me, left sweet messages...and I was initially very hyped with all this "just like everybody else's meaningful rel." He even kind of hinted of makin some changes in his life to accomodate me more. I was kind of HIGH on the whole situation, sooo normal, finally.
We were supposed to meet the following week..but I gradually couldn't hold it together anymore. I needed space and to be left alone, couldn't cope with having to take the calls, answer his messges..felt like my life, my schedule, my routine were invaded. I broke up with him suddenly and VERY painfully for him (he's the opposite in terms of expressing emotion). He tried to call me, contact me every way possible..I was SOOOO liking him but I just couldn't do anything about it.
After a few months of silence, we slowly started to talk on and then...last time was last week. He seems still intrigued by me. By everything that I have done. It took me all these 5 months to really do my homework on AS and understand things better. There's no way in h_l I can tell him. It's LATE. And one thing he told me when we were together (when we were talking and confiding...) was that he didn't want to be hurt again by a woman He's pretty sensitive, although a big, "tough" guy.
He's on IM everyday...I see him online and so wish to be with him again. He will be leaving the country for good in 2 months and a half. He's from Europe, here with a contract. If there was ever a connection, I think I had it with this man.
I have been STUCK like this for all this time. Nothing else I care about. I have tried making new friends...meeting new guys. I don't care. All I think about is him.
Not sure how to move on..or what do I do..