So I've gotten suckered into this second job, meaning I work from 8am-midnight. I hate it.
The reason I got it is because my brother is the general manager and he really wants me to work there.
I can't stand at ALL working from 8am-midnight. I have no time to even have breakfast or take a damned shower. It's ridiculous. I didn't show up this weekend at all, and he probably hates me now.
The thing is, I told him I would. I keep lieing to him saying oh no, I just am a little stressed, NO, I HATE this job, I do everything wrong (it's u-haul, by the way) I always hit trucks when I move them (no damage, but still) I spill cleaner, I make customers upset, I can't clean the trucks properly, the employees hate me, why do I keep telling him there's no problem? I'm too worried about disappointing him. It's too late for that, because I've disappointed the hell out of him by not showing up.
Someone my age in school should not be working a 56 hour week. It's highly stressful, ridiculous, and I really don't need the money, at all. My other job (the theater, which I like alot) pays for my car insurance and gas easily and I get 40 hours in a week.
All this has done is seriously amplify my suicidal feelings from before.
I mean, I have a bad future ahead of me. I've literally been spoiled throughout high school. I've had to do NO work, all because my teacher's think I'm some kind of mental failure in all aspects because they don't understand asperger's syndrome. Ever since I started this new school in grade 5 (i've gone there up to grade 12, aka this year)
5th grade we had a subsitute every day. THey never gave us assignments, and all I did was write in grade 5, I wrote 200 pages worth of nonsense, and students made fun of it so I discarded it and gave up writing. I was bumped up into 6th grade, but the teacher never assigned me work because she thought I was behind a bit. So next year, she hardly assigns us work, buys us lunch everyday (she had a rich husband, I guess) rarely assigned us work, and she even gave me 500$. 500 DOLLARS! FOR NO REASON!
Then I failed grades 7-8, but the teacher let me go into high school anyway. Like, I got a mark of 40% or so. But she bumped me up into high school. Why? I don't know. I think she thought I was seriously mentally ret*d or something. Again, ridiculous.
My high school teacher now, from grade 9 up to 12, who by the way is a really nice person, literally, we do NO work in there. The normal american government class has an assignment and essay every week or so. We wrote a 1-page essay on one presidential candidate the entire year. That was the only assignment. She never assigns us work, all we do is watch movies and play board games. She thinks we're all special.
I've basically been spoiled throughout high school and it's led me to believe I can never be a normal person. I'd never be able to do actual work, because I've never had to do it, so there's no chance of college for me.
I mean, when I get out of high school I want to get a warehouse job. That's enough to live on my own. Then when I have a 5-year clean driving record I can drive a bus. That's enough to live off of, I guess.
But I'm too worried I won't get hired because of my eyesight. Too worried I'll fail at the job. Too worried I'll hit someone driving (forklift or bus) and mess up. I'll just be stuck at the theater forever.
I'm just destined to fail.
I have my 100 mg of risperdal hiding in the garage, and my dad's taking off tonight. I really have a strong motive to just take it all. I probably will.
I don't care what happens anymore.
If Jesus died for my sins, then I should sin as much as possible, so he didn't die for nothing.