ebec11 wrote:
I have four projects on the go at the moment, and one of them is due tomorrow. I'm only 1/3 done, and paralyzed with fear and can't work on it. I've been having nightmares about this project, and the fact that the project is about these extremely creepy toads makes it worse! (I'll show you a picture in a moment)
Any advice on how to get through the fear other then "just do it"?
Here's a quote that I like, and is relevant to your situation...
You gain strength, courage, and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face. You must do the thing which you think you cannot do.
- Eleanor Roosevelt
"Just do it" are three words which people who are afraid generally don't want to hear, but they are often the most true. You will never get pasted your fear if you don't confront it. Each time you delay or avoid something, the fear increases. It keeps building up and up, until it overflows (in your case, a panic attack).
Some say that they can't do something because they are afraid, but the truth is, they are afraid because they think they can't do it. They are afraid of the consequences of the outcome of their situation, not of the situation itself.
Someone with a fear of heights says they are scared of heights, but they are really scared of falling. Someone with a fear of public speaking says that they are afraid of public speaking, but they are really afraid of messing up and what others will think of them.
People don't fear situations, they fear reactions and consequences.
Four projects. It may be a lot to achieve, but you don't have to do them all at once. Don't think of this as one big task, but as four small ones. Don't think of them as hard, but as challenging.
Take a break, then sit down, look your projects right in "their faces" and say..."You will NOT defeat me...I am stronger than words on paper"...then attack them, defeat them and then wallow in your pride.
I = Vegan!
Animals = Friends.