nightbender wrote:
the stuck me on risperdal lithium and and visteral. as of this moment i have anhedonia. in the past i had ptsd panic attacks and depression, all caused by my abusive parents my father especially.
I am glad you got off the meds. My sister was given about 10 different meds after a suiicde attempt and then once they had her doped to the gills...they got her to agree to electric shock(yes, they still do that at one hospital in MN).It really messed her up and they refused to let me talk to her pr her DR before they began the "treatments" because I was not her "legal guardian".It is very scary what they can get away with under the guise of "helping". I wanted to take them to court o they couldn't do this to another person but my sister refused and moved back to Missouri.
There have been other cases of autistics being put on anti-psychotics(they had my sister on some and she had no hysotry of being psychotic,only depressed)....this should be illegal!!!Some of these psych people are truly nuts(and possibly sadistic).
Just because one plane is flying out of formation, doesn't mean the formation is on course....R.D.Lang
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