marshall wrote:
I’m sitting here typing this and I have this ugly feeling I get every night. I sit up on the internet looking for something to entertain me or lighten my mood. Can’t find anything. I just feel so weary, yet I don’t want to sleep.
I can completely relate to this.
I barely ever sleep. I spend my nights online just browsing the internet, looking for something to make life less boring. Even if I do find something worthwhile, it's still boring. Even if I laugh about it, it's boring. I search...but never find, and most of the time I don't know exactly what i'm looking for.
I don't have any advice about this as i'm in the same situation.
marshall wrote:
I’m getting behind in my class work again. I can’t even make myself get into it. The problem sets just don’t interest me. I start and I immediately become frustrated and want to quit. I just can’t concentrate when I’m in this depressed state.
Again, I can relate to this.
I quit almost everything I start. I lose interest and motivation and it seems all too hard.
To succeed, a person needs a positive outlook on life. Thats something that you (and me!) should work on getting.
Try seeking help for your depression as it is clearly impacting your life and making things difficult. Maybe you need to increase your dose of meds, or take some different ones...or maybe you just need someone to listen.
Whatever you do, good luck.
I = Vegan!
Animals = Friends.