I know this sounds stupid...

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12 May 2008, 1:33 am

I honestly hope that I am not belittling anyone with more serious concerns here. I have always worried that I am doing so when I talk about my own. I always feel like there is someone more important that needs the help.

However, I play this game online, and I find that an inordinate number of people abuse certain privileges on it. I am playing because someone asked me to, and so that their society in game might prosper. I really feel unhappy playing it, but I do not want to upset anyone else. I also do not want to hurt their in game alliance; however, to admit that I am a major part of it makes me feel arrogant and further depressed.

Does anyone have any advice for me? Thank you so much. I am sorry to be a bother.


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12 May 2008, 2:14 am

Well, first off this is a forum to speak your mind.
No apologies necessary from what I can see.
If you constantly feel the need to apologize like this, perhaps you should re-asses your self-image?
You're probably a fine person and just need to internalize that fact. :D

About the game...

I'm not sure what you mean... a friend asked you to join their 'group' so their status would change?
Now you're not comfortable ( or maybe from the beginning you were not comfortable?) but don't see an easy way out of it?

Am I getting the right message?

I'd say if it bothers you to be part of the game only to build up someone else's status in the game in general... quit.
I don't see where you owe that friend anything like this.
To me... a friend would not use a friend like this.
Also, if you were to tell this friend you are uncomfortable with this whole scenario, as a friend... they should be happy you talked to them about it and they should respect your feelings.

Hope you can work it out. :wink:

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12 May 2008, 2:28 am

I hope that if I take little quotes of what you said at a time and answer them I don't look arrogant. :)

If you constantly feel the need to apologize like this, perhaps you should re-asses your self-image?

To be honest, that's one of the reasons that my psychologist sent me to this site - because I am a very nervous person who constantly apologies. She said that being with people that are like me, I might be able to do this a bit better. I really appreciate the concern. I don't know what to do, though. I just always feel like I am person whom is somehow just taking up too much space or something like that.

I'm not sure what you mean... a friend asked you to join their 'group' so their status would change?
Now you're not comfortable ( or maybe from the beginning you were not comfortable?) but don't see an easy way out of it?

You have the idea wholly. I was never at all comfortable from the beginning, but I did not want to upset anyone. I am always worried about loosing friends.

Also, if you were to tell this friend you are uncomfortable with this whole scenario, as a friend... they should be happy you talked to them about it and they should respect your feelings.

Thank you very much for this advice. I have emailed him and I seriously hope that he understands. I also thank you for your concern - I am in your debt.


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12 May 2008, 2:44 am

As far as chopping up the quote and replying to it...

That's one of the only ways I can respond to posts sometimes.
It helps me to remember what it is I'm responding to, so you doing it also, legitimizes my doing it! :D

I hope you can find a place here at WP.

Sometimes you may find there are comments that come across harshly.
If you feel something has been directed at you that is hurtful... you can always talk to someone else here openly or privately (PM), or pm a moderator.
But all-in-all, I find this a wonderful place for me to be... so I hope you find value in your visits here also.

Yeah.. I do hope your friend understands.
I know someone at my work who keeps on me... or used to anyway... about joining his 'guild' on World of Warcraft.
I don't play those games and I used to tell him repeatedly until he finally backed off.
Some people just don't know how to be more considerate and when to stop badgering folks.

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12 May 2008, 2:54 am

Thank you so much for being kind to me and helping me out with all of this. Is there anything I can do to repay you? I kind of feel in your debt.

Eep, I hope I certainly don't sound like I'm childish now.


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12 May 2008, 8:11 am

Heya. What I would most likely do is tell your friend that you need a break from playing, (and take a week "off" see if you want to play afterwards. If you don't then I would most likely tell them that "sorry, I just don't think it's my "thing". If you lose a friend because you don't feel like playing a game with them then they weren't much of a friend anyhow.

PS. if it's guildwars, and you like the game, but the alliance is a little too stuffy, let me know. haha. I am a guild officer and we have no requirements of our people other than keep the chat "G" rated because of younger members. Lots of friendly people willing to jump in if you want a little help.

PPS. I always feel like other people's problems are more important than mine and to ask anyone for help is just horrible because I should be able to handle it all on my own. So I know where you are coming from there.


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12 May 2008, 9:56 am

I think it's a very common Aspie problem to be uncomfortable not only asking others for favors, but being asked to do favors as well. We hate to say no, but also don't like being made responsible for someone else's happiness. It's hard, but you just have to find ways of saying NO that don't sound like "piss off". "I'd really rather not" sometimes works well for me, as does "No thanks, I'm good". I usually just try changing the subject, until they stop asking, but that doesn't always work, either.

Once, years ago, I had a friend who simply could not respect the fact that I didn't want to spend all my time hanging out, and did not appreciate constant drop-in visits. Finally, I took one of those signs you see in shop windows and hung it on my front door, that said "SORRY, WE'RE CLOSED."
As usual, he showed up unannounced and proceeded to knock on my door, but I refused to answer (he knew I was there, my car was in the drive). For half an hour he banged on the door and called out for me to answer, but I just ignored him till he went away. I felt horribly mean to do it, but it was the only way I could find to get the message across. Some people are just too dense for hints.


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12 May 2008, 12:16 pm

Nah, sorry, its not guildwars. Thank you for the offer though, and that advice about taking a break. That should be really helpful.

I understand the feeling about having a friend who drops in rather uninvited. I used to know someone like that and he could get pretty violent about being with you when he wanted to.


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12 May 2008, 2:28 pm

I hope things improve with you soon!

Jason Larsen
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12 May 2008, 4:31 pm

Vashna wrote:
Thank you so much for being kind to me and helping me out with all of this. Is there anything I can do to repay you? I kind of feel in your debt.

Eep, I hope I certainly don't sound like I'm childish now.

Hmmm.... wsmac pulls out his ledger and pens in Vashna's name and starts figuring out her debt... :twisted:

I'll be in touch about your debt Vashna! hehehehe


Hopefully you'll find your own place here and I'm sure you'll add plenty of positive stuff to the family.
You aren't in anyone's debt here.. so don't worry about it. :wink:

Willard wrote:
I think it's a very common Aspie problem to be uncomfortable not only asking others for favors, but being asked to do favors as well. We hate to say no, but also don't like being made responsible for someone else's happiness. It's hard, but you just have to find ways of saying NO that don't sound like "piss off". "I'd really rather not" sometimes works well for me, as does "No thanks, I'm good". I usually just try changing the subject, until they stop asking, but that doesn't always work, either.

Once, years ago, I had a friend who simply could not respect the fact that I didn't want to spend all my time hanging out, and did not appreciate constant drop-in visits. Finally, I took one of those signs you see in shop windows and hung it on my front door, that said "SORRY, WE'RE CLOSED."
As usual, he showed up unannounced and proceeded to knock on my door, but I refused to answer (he knew I was there, my car was in the drive). For half an hour he banged on the door and called out for me to answer, but I just ignored him till he went away. I felt horribly mean to do it, but it was the only way I could find to get the message across. Some people are just too dense for hints.

I have a friend at work who I feel is certainly AS.
Your story sounds just like ours.
I'm the one who wasn't understanding about her AS and I finally came around to understanding... still... I feel at times I would like to be around her more.. but I know it won't be that way so I'm content with what we do have.

I like your idea with the sign.
I'm thinking I should try that.
If someone I knew put up a sign like that, I wouldn't be offended. I'd appreciate the message since I am not so good at reading into what people say most times, it seems.

fides solus
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12 May 2008, 10:57 pm

Thank you very much, all. And thank you for being so understanding.


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13 May 2008, 8:31 am

You are very welcome!

Jason Larsen
[email protected]