I like this forum. No discrimination should take place here. It is a community where people seem to better understand one another. It is a simple fact that there are huge numbers of people who are misunderstood by society, which revolves around "necessary" social interaction and status. Meanwhile, it would be typical to have people talking about you and rating you behind your backs.
What makes me miserable, is the fact that I am hated by so many people. I don't get along with normal people. What annoys me more, is these people's standards; and why are they happy that they are normal? - But what's more, is they think they are so special and unique, when they are not.
I am told to shut up; I get things thrown at me; pictures drawn of me; insults that are only acceptable when targeted at me.
I can't insult someone without the rest of these horrible people making my life a misery; waiting for me to say something negative, so they can use it and blow the whole thing out of proportion.
People are confusing me, and tricking me into thinking I am a horrible, selfish, uncaring and arrogant. People end friendships with me, giving no reason.
I wasn't diagnosed with aspergers, but I think I might have it. I share a lot of common problems, and I took a test called the aspie quiz; after the tenth time I scored 127, I think. Originally I scored 180, but I went through it, over and over, being careful with my answers.
I'm curious about how accurate that test is.
So really, what makes me miserable, also, is the fact that anyone who I want to turn to for help, won't care. As for my parents, they will never leave me alone once I bring up a problem, and it becomes frustrating.
It's so horrible how some people state that they like unordinary people and something unsual out of life, yet really, they don't, because that stops being true the moment they meet me.
Why am I the horrible one? It isn't fair.
Why can't I stop thinking and typing? - knowing that probably nobody will reply?
I feel like my talents are unappreciated, only shadowed by the methods of normal people.
Also, one more thing, I came to the conclusion, that on the whole, people with aspergers who are less intelligent, live happier lives.