marshall, you're one of my favorite posters on WP. I may not respond to them often, but I always read your posts with a lot of interest. We think very similarly. And both of your posts so far on this thread, I could've written the same, word by word.
It was very hard for me to get into the habit of stopping myself before saying something deep. People hate it. Nowadays it's a lot easier because I've gotten used to it. But even so, sometimes when I think I'm succeeding at being shallow, I'm accused of being too deep.
A brain, coupled with a life of adversity, cause one to become wise and deep. I've become very wise and deep relative to most people. Some like that in me, but it alienates them at the same time. They seek me only when they need wise insight into a problem they have, and avoid me the rest of the time.
I've lost many acquaintances for trying to gear the conversation to something meaningful, being desperately bored with what they were talking about. My brain craves stimulation all the time and when conversation is shallow it suffers, almost physical pain. Having coffee with an acquaintance/friend and spending a couple hours hearing shallow stories that are mostly accounts of how great they are and how stupid everyone else is makes me go berserk. Most people don't converse; they just take turns at monologuing about things that the other couldn't care less about.
There's a lot of repetition of topics on WP, because there's a lot of new people all the time, hungry to discuss those topics. I must've posted many threads that veterans were tired of seeing on the boards too. I'm happy when I see a new thread that interests me, which is happening less and less. I get bored of a person at some point, when I've known them and the insight they have to offer and can't learn much from them anymore. Then it's a question of doing interesting things together, rather than conversing. This can't be done on the web, of course, so it gets boring more quickly.
I really hope that you and the other independent thinkers whose posts I enjoy so much on here don't leave. And I always wonder why I was never blessed with meeting someone like you in real life. Maybe it's because people like you and me have to hide, dumb ourselves down in society.
So-called white lies are like fake jewelry. Adorn yourself with them if you must, but expect to look cheap to a connoisseur.